The eleventh session of the first round of the Jones’s Legion in Semnan Branch was held on Sunday, December 11, 2024 at 16:00, with the agenda, "The CD of Body Structure 6 and examination of the properties of vitamins"
One of the reasons for the accumulation of fat in the body is the lack of required vitamins and nutrients (essential food). If the food we eat does not have the necessary vitamins, those foods are not converted into energy in the body and are stored as fat; but in losing weight by the DST method, eating salad half an hour before meals plays a very important role in the process of absorbing vitamins in the body. Salad is rich in vitamins. The time to eat salad is half an hour before the meal; it means when the stomach is empty. When the salad reaches the intestine, it causes the absorption of vitamins and the energy of the food is released due to eating salad and is not stored as fat, and this shows the importance of salad and its surprising effect in the journey of healthy eating and reaching an ideal weight.
In the following, we will examine the properties of several types of vitamins.
Vitamin A plays an essential role in vision, especially night vision, and is effective in bone growth, skin health, teeth growth, and reproduction. Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency are dry eyes, children's growth problems, impaired wound healing, dry and rough skin. Sources of vitamin A include liver, eggs, animal fat (some vitamins are found in fats, the most useful of which are animal fats), full-fat milk, cream, butter, fatty cheese, potatoes, carrots, spinach, peppers, cabbage, pumpkin, squash, apricots, yellow cantaloupe, and mango.
In the blood coagulation process, vitamin K coagulates the blood. When there is a cut or a wound in a part of the body and blood comes out of that part, there is a substance in the blood, the main base of which is vitamin K, which combines with oxygen in the air and causes the blood to clot and coagulate. Symptoms of vitamin K deficiency are bleeding from the mouth, bleeding from the urinary and genital tracts, bleeding from the stomach, bleeding from the intestines, and bleeding from the skin. Sources of vitamin K in [sheep or cow’s] liver, cheese, milk, egg yolk, and green leafy vegetables; such as spinach and green tea, turnips, kale, cauliflower, lettuce, basil, thyme, watercress, green peas and soybean oil are available.
Vitamin D increases the strength and coordination of muscles and prevents the occurrence of diseases such as rickets (softness of bones) in children and promotes growth and the strength of bones and the growth of cells. Sometimes we need several other vitamins to absorb a vitamin; for example, the presence of vitamin D in the intestine is necessary for the absorption of calcium. If there is no vitamin D, calcium will not be absorbed, and in addition to vitamin D, we also need phosphorus to absorb calcium in the body. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are skull enlargement, button-like appendages on the spine, widening of the wrists and feet, decreased bone density, and severe pain in the legs and back. The first source of vitamin D is the sun, as well as vegetable sources such as grains, some vegetables and fruits, and animal sources such as butter, fish liver oil, egg yolk, cream, liver, sardines.
In the vitamin B group, there are types of vitamin B, here we take vitamin B1 as an example. Vitamin B1 maintains the function of the heart, digestive system, nervous system and improves brain function. Vitamin B1 promotes the natural growth of the body. The symptoms of vitamin B1 deficiency are loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss, general weakness, damage to the peripheral nerves of the hands and feet, headache, increased heart rate, and nausea. Sources of vitamin B1 are peas, nuts (pistachio nuts, almonds, walnuts), soybeans, spinach, bread (bread made from whole flour), beef and liver. There are a lot of B vitamins in cow's liver.
Translated by Companion Fateme Enayati, Pardis branch of Congress 60, Tehran, Iran