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My Weight Loss Journey: I Lost 50 kgs

Under the guidance of Mr. Dezhakam, Hamed started his Jones’ journey (the legion where the process of weight loss takes place) and today, on Wednesday, June 23, 2021, ...

The X System

The theory of addiction that undergirds the physical methods of treatment within Congress 60 is based on what Hossein Dezhakam describes as the X system.

I Am Responsible for My Body

When human beings are deceived by negative forces, it is as if they make a deal with the demon. To interest people, negative forces have to use a ...

Doing sports in Congress60

In our worldview, balance takes precedence over treatment" and for reaching this aim, three dimensions: body, psyche and worldview- must grow equally.

The X-System

However, we all know that many people ruin their X system without consuming any drug and only by anti-values and negative thoughts.