نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

An Interview with Mrs. Azam, the Border-Guard of Sattarkhan Branch

An Interview with Mrs. Azam, the Border-Guard of Sattarkhan Branch

Companion Azam entered Congress 60 seven years ago, and after 13 months they got liberated from addiction five years ago. She could participate in Guide-exam and she was accepted as the guide of newcomers to Congress 60. Now, she is An.

Interviewer: I congratulate you on the Border-guard’s week. Please tell us about the effect of being a border-guard on your life.

Companion Azam: I learned how to plan my chores; before being border-guard, it was not important to me to take part in general meetings, I just could take part in my legion, [I missed the general meetings]; however, now I schedule my work and I am here one hour before the start of the general meetings.

Interviewer: What was the most important change you felt after being a border-guard?

Companion Azam: The ability to say: “No”. Before this accountability, everyone expected me to accept whatever they wanted before considering my abilities and contemplation. I could not rest before doing whatever wanted. However, now I am more responsible for my work but if something is out of my authority, I do not accept even if they resented it.

Interviewer: What is the righteous service (act) in your viewpoint?

Companion Azam: It is an act whose result is great. After doing my services, when I have done my job according to the rules of Congress 60, I am satisfied with my job. I think a righteous job is the one which does not result in fatigue and boredom, you will be in peace, a peace which cannot be described by words. When you serve people  unconditionally or without having expectations, when you  see solace on the face of the one you have served, you receive the REAL JOY. As Mr. Amin asserts: “The real joy is not shining like stars, but to help people shine like the stars”.

Interviewer: We have a saying in Congress 60: “The positions select people, but not vice versa”. What do you think about this sentence?

Companion Azam: Before being a border-guard, first, I was selected as the nominee. I was very sad, but after that, my guide told me that “the position must find you not vice versa”. I could not understand her words immediately, but gradually I found out that if in that time I had become a border-guard, I could not serve well. Everything has hidden sides which we are not aware of.

Interviewer: What was the most important and effective event in the era of being bored-guard?

Companion Azam: When I came to Congress 60 as a pupil, I had not good feelings towards some people; however, when I was put in this position, I learned to accept people as they are and I learned to love them even and I hope I can reach the unconditional love.

Interviewer: How was it possible to always be present in Congress 60 in Coronavirus pandemic?

Companion Azam: I just thought that there are many despairing and hapless  individuals who enter Congress 60 with a hope for addiction treatment, therefore, [even in this situation] I come with love.

Interviewer: Have you ever be in the dilemma of the righteous and seemingly good act?

Companion Azam: At the start of my service, I was in this situation, however, after a while, thank God, I could consult with authorities [and do the righteous act].

Interviewer: What do you suggest companions to get well?

Companion Azam: I welcomed them with open arms and I ensure them that they have selected the best way of treating addiction. I further tell them if you do whatever your guide says, you will live in peace.

Interviewer: And your last words?

Companion Azam: I have to thank God because of serving in this position. I hope anyone seeking for serving people as a border-guard can reach this position. I am also grateful to my guide, Ms. Leila, I hope her services will result in her prosperity. I am also thankful to you for the opportunity to convey my feelings to other people.

Translated by Elahe

Your Comments


  • companion maryam lesion 16 satarkhan branch

    Very instructive mrs azam i hope you be successful in your whole life

  • companion maryam lesion 16 satarkhan branch

    Very instructive mrs azam i hope you be successful in your whole life

  • companion maryam lesion 16 satarkhan branch

    Very instructive mrs azam i hope you be successful in your whole life

  • companion maryam lesion 16 satarkhan branch

    Very instructive mrs azam i hope you be successful in your whole life

  • companion maryam lesion 16 satarkhan branch

    Very instructive mrs azam i hope you be successful in your whole life