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نسخه فارسی

An introduction to White eagle by the author

An introduction to White eagle by the author



I have written this book in Persian and then it was translated to English. When I finished writing the book I gave it to some friends for reading so that I could have their opinion. These friends include distinguished professors of philosophy, psychology and metaphysics as well as ordinary people. Their first reactions were to have endless questions and confusion about the topics mentioned in the book in addition to creation of enormous challenges in their belief systems. For this very reason they asked me to write a brief intro to the book so that readers could follow the content much easier.


The title of the book ‘White Eagle’ is the name of one of my masters in the metaphysical realm. The content of the book explores the knowledge and understanding of human essence and nature and its hidden attributes. This area has been a mystery and will always be a question mark for all and many have tried to answer this great question. On the other hand, this effort has brought about thousands of more questions with it about human being which various traditions, philosophers, mystics and scholars throughout time have tried to explain.


Although humanity has achieved marvelous heights in science and technology, mysteries such as God, human, soul, spirit, ego, intellect, love, evil, life, ghost, life prior to birth and after death, heaven and hell, angles, parallel universes and etc. have yet to be solved. One of the paths to explaining these phenomena has been one of sensations. This means the concepts that we realize, comprehend or sense do exist and those that we don’t are imaginary and do not exist.


 In this manner we erase the actual concept and label the individuals who claim to have an understanding of the matter as ignorant, superstitious or simple minded; why? Because I don’t understand it, this is similar to a situation where two individuals are speaking French, and I who don’t understand French claim that they are talking nonsense because I don’t understand what they are talking about. I believe the pain and suffering of human being is not due to ignorance or lack of knowledge. It is due to undiscovered knowledge. We are currently faced with many unknowns about the human being’s visible attributes (physique) and many people suffer from incurable diseases and many even die.


Therefore, entering a discussion on human being’s invisible attributes including spirit, sensation, ego, life after death, etc. is very difficult and attaining a mutual consensus farfetched. For instance, if we imagine that spirit do exist we cannot examine it through our five senses. Furthermore, if we only decide to examine such matters with our physical sensations, it is similar to an association of the blind intent on organizing seminars on exploring various colors and light.


A question might arise that how you as the author of this book are tackling these topics related to the invisible attributes of human being. I answer that I do this through the assistance of my masters and mentors who are beyond this realm of time and space which you will discover by reading the book.


I have not followed any specific tradition, religion, belief system or ideology in this book nor do I endorse and embrace any particular school of thought. I only share with you truths that I have gained along the path of actual experiences.


I suggest that you initially read this book like a novel without a whole lot of contemplation and scrutiny.

Thereafter, you can ponder the material bit by bit as many initial questions that might arise in the early parts of the book are answered in the latter chapters of the book.


Hossein Dezhakam


February 29th 2012

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