نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

Question and answer with Amin Dezhakam

Question and answer with Amin Dezhakam

Question and answer with Mr. Amin Dezhakam.

Question: why should I suffer for my husband addiction? What did I do wrong?


The statistics shows that 90 percent of co-travelers (family of addicts) had this feeling at the first 5 months of the treatment. Everything in universe happens because of a desire whether this desire is hidden from us or not. Human must experience paradoxes in order to learn. The one who makes people laugh is the one who has cried in his solitude. An individual who is showing courage is the one who conquered his fears. Thus don’t think this is a bad thing you must continue the path.


Question: What should I do with a traveler who is still using narcotics while he is on treatment?


Compatibility with the treatment program will happen gradually don’t worry and be patient.


Question: is it because of a false worldview that defects exist within us?


A correct worldview repairs everything, because we are creating and living by our worldview. If you are an angry person this shows that you lack of balance in your worldview you should cure these defects with proper knowledge and gradually.


Question: Please tell us about theosophy and its effects?


We must choose the correct path, it is not like this that with going to special classes we could go on a shortcut. If you want to learn physics for instance you must apply for a university and in time you will learn it. Always remember this rule when you are choosing a path.

Human beings assume that the best way is the short way; a way which will help us reach our desires sooner and this is incorrect. Reaching and achieving everything requires a specific amount of time.

 A proper knowledge must make correct and positive changes in our lives otherwise it won’t be useful.


Translated by Ehsan Ranjbar




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