نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

What is the root of inner chaos?

What is the root of inner chaos?

What is the root of inner chaos?


As mentioned in ninth valley of book of love, we human have various endurance points and each one of us has a different capacity to endure certain circumstances and if mental or physical pressures are beyond our endurance point we can lose our temper or control which results in inner chaos.

From another point of view, if we want to summarize the root of inner chaos in one word, it would be ignorance. The more irrational desires one has, the more ignorant he/she is and the closer he/she is to lower self. The more rational desires one has, the closer he/she is to higher self. If a person has rational desires, he won't lose his/her balance.  

The self has different sorts of rational and irrational desires which certainly most of them would not be satisfied.  As a result we always will be in state of resentment. It could be simply because we have ignored our abilities and aren’t familiar with our limitations or not accepting them. For instance, I have an ordinary car but I want to have a supercar, which I can't afford, at least in the short term. The result is frustration. However, if I have knowledge, that won't happen because I will distinguish this longing as a daydream, rather than a serious need which worth pursuing and definitely won't regard it as something to regret. Furthermore, irrational desires like craving for drugs or lust will indeed bring us trouble in any case. We shall notice that nature of these desires is needy so by going after them we just add fuel to their fires.


In addition, irrational person will encounter package of negative feelings, including envy, regret, hatred and etc., which also are rooted in ignorance. For instance when my greed is not satisfied I begin to compare myself with others, the result could be jealousy and hatred.  The more ignorant a person is, the more problems he/she brings upon himself/herself, so the root is ignorance. This is why we say our greatest enemy is our ignorance, and coming out of our inner turmoil happens only by acquiring knowledge.


Traveler Reza

Salman Farsi, Isfahan Branch


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