نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

Patience is the main factor of Victory

Patience is the main factor of Victory

Patience is the main factor of Victory


Patience means forbearance against hard times. It also refers to maintenance against groan and complaint. In Islamic statements, patience is regarded as tolerance in the  hard times. In the holy Quran, it has been mentioned that patience is the source of goodness and its reward is infinite. Patience is a main concept in the holy Quran in which it has been used about 70 times.   

Before coming to Congress60, we just tolerated the difficulties of life and we absorbed and accumulated the negative forces in ourselves and suddenly we threw them out. Why? Because we had not learned the patience's principles and we did not realize the importance and the value of patience. As we came to Congress60, we noticed that we had to learn three parameters of: thought, knowledge and experience. We should understand these three parameters and put them into practice (so that we can achieve our goal). A companion in Congress60 must know how to be patience in the hard time so that she can help her traveler and both come to well-being. A traveler who has lost his way is  in need of kindness and being accepted by the companion so that he can find his way and travel correctly and be liberated from addiction.

If a companion can realize the meaning of patience, the Lord will grant patience to her/him. Patience requires time and effort. Stamina means you have to keep calm in the storms of life (hard time). If we believe in God and if we have faith, hope, trust in God and strong desire, we can find the way of righteous living. If we constantly attend Congress60's classes, listen to the instructional CDs  and put the instructions into practice, we will acquire patience to reach stamina and peace.

The most important factors for victory in different stages of life are patience and stamina. If we do not take an action in this regard, no one comes to our help to inject peace. We ourselves  can reach patience and calmonly with true actions). Thank God I am in Congress60 and I deeply believe that this is the reward of patience. I hope I can appreciate this secured and holy place and I hope we can put these instructions into practice so that we can sincerely serve the needy.


Author: Companion Nayere
Translated by Elahe

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