نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

The Twelfth Valley

The Twelfth Valley

The Twelfth Rule

For doing anything in the physical (mundane) world, one must take some rules into consideration, disregarding any of which results in failure. This means that if the rules are not obeyed sequentially, we will be obliged to repeat and repeat that work so that we come to the point of departure from which we started our work and we have to re-do the work on the basis of the rules. In Congress 60, these rules are known as the 14 valleys, which are not only the basics of addiction-treatment, but also the basics of success in any field. The first valley teaches us how to think about whatever we want to do. Then, we have to obey other rules so that we reach the 14th valley (the Love Valley). To gain what we want, we have to consider the factor of TIME. The 12th valley tells us that we have to consider time as an important matter. As we do our best to achieve our goal, we have to fully consider the issue of time, and if we eliminate or disregard the factor of time, everything will be ruined and we will encounter failure.

On the basis of Congress 60's protocol for treating addiction, the required time for the liberation from addiction is 10 months and it is impossible for a person to get rid of addiction in less than 10 months. Again, if we delete this duration of time for the treatment, we will face failure, in this way, we have to repeat and repeat our work, as many drug-abusers have done it many times and they returned back to their first standing (even with more and more damage and destruction).

Human beings consider the factor of time, as they do their routine chores (e.g. when they want to learn a new language or when they want to grow a baby), however, when they come to the treatment of their addiction, they want to treat it in few days! Please notice that as one is required to taper his drug-consumption during 10 months, s/he is required to learn Congress 60's educational points gradually: with consuming OT (Opium Tincture), s/he is supposed to reconstruct his/her body, furthermore, with learning the world-view educations and applying them, s/he becomes able to reconstruct his/her own psych and world-view. Eventually, s/he is liberated from the addiction with a healthy body and psych. It is a great fault to think that one can get rid of the addiction, without any changes, however, those who do not understand this major point and those who do not want to change themselves gradually, will never change: they are doomed to experience the depth of darkness and to struggle with the Negative Forces.

Written by: traveller Mohammad Sepidkar

Translated by: co-guide Elahe Sadeghi

Date: April 3 2016

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