نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

A better life

A better life

I was going to search for an essay to translate from Persian to English with due attention to my ability (I'm inexperienced in translating); but then for my first work I preferred to write about my worldview which congress60 has given to me till now.

My father's addiction was a reason for me to get to know a location which has no limitation for gaining knowledge.

A long time ago _when I was just a teenager who imagine beautiful world in her mind and indeed has no direct explanation about addiction and also narcotic_ as I understood that my father is an addict, l was faced with the ravages which destroyed all my positive imaginations about life. It was very difficult situation for my family; there was no happiness, no laughing, and no hope and actually there was nothing for us.

I confess frankly that in those days l hated my father and I knew him guilty for our misery; and this caused me getting away from him. Our family connections, indeed, was going to be destroyed and we all worried about our status. Anyway the matter I didn’t pay attention was that my father felt guilty himself and he was looking for a cure but he could not find it untill...

I told above that my father was trying to find a cure for his addiction and so his eagerness led him to Congress60; a short time after that, my mother accompanied him in this remedy way and I joined them afterward.  As my father was being treated by opium medicine, my mother and I tried to pave the remedy way for him as a fellow traveler with learning educations of congress60. And after all sufferings, my father got cured about eleven months later and calmness gradually returned to our life.

But my emphasis in this essay is that the trainings of congress60 had deep influence on my life and they made my thoughts concentrated. So this factor caused that I have had better behavior in other fields of life than before; also the training and service at congress60 have effected on me out of this location, so that my friends noticed my behavioral changes. Fortunately these trainings has been continuing and I see its positive influence on my life.

I hope that I can use these training again and I can improve its influence by serving.

Sincerely yours: fellow traveler Parastoo
Sent from my iPhone

Your Comments


  • Elahe

    Dear Parastoo, Thank you for sharing your highly invaluabe experience with us. Regards

  • Akram
