نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

The Fifth Valley and its Effect on Me

The Fifth Valley and its Effect on Me

The ninth  session of the 76th  round of  Congress 60 workshops in the Academy branch of Congress 60 was administered on July 20, 2022 at 10 a.m. by Mr. Dezhakam as the guest speaker and Mr. Hossein as the secretary. The agenda was “The Fifth Valley and its Effect on Me”.
Hello friends, I am Hossein a traveler. I am fine and hope you are keeping well too.
We are approaching Congress 60’s summer vacation. When a child is born, their mother must always look after them; however, when a child becomes older, their mother should not always take care of them because the child now knows many things. The same holds true for Congress 60 members. Many years ago, we had to take care of the members in the first travel; however, now Congress 60 members are wise enough and we can have a two-week vacation, because the Congress 60 treatment is a very effective method and everything goes ahead very well.
A newcomer to Congress 60 is highly welcome and the guides of Congress 60 are doing their best to liberate a person, and they do not receive even a penny. They are all serving for free and all the members get liberated from addiction very easily. Then, the travelers must know that the guides and other people serving in Congress 60 are paying whatever they have so that other people get liberated from addiction. That is why all the traveler’s guides must inform the companion’s guides when you come for liberation and the companions and their guides must come for their liberation. The presence of companions is very essential for us and their presence makes Congress 60’s environment very tender, gentle and loving.
The next point is that the newcomer’s guides must not give their phone numbers to the newcomers.
Today’s agenda is the fifth valley and it reads: “Contemplation alone is not the ultimate approach to problem solving in our world. It will be completed with experience and achievement.”
In the previous valleys, we have learned how to think but the fifth valley asks us to put what we know in to practice. If you regret doing something, you have not to do it anymore. You have to practice what you think is true. Just prayers does not do anything. We must move so that we can get it. When you want something you have to pray but simultaneously you have to take actions to achieve it.
The fist part of the valley reads: “When we are looking at sea, we see water or waves. Or when we are looking at sky, we are seeing a cloudy or a sunny sky. Or when sun hides behind mountains so that creatures could rest we can see the sky full of stars. But what if our perception goes beyond these, then what would we see?” This is true about human being. When we are looking at a human being we can see a body which moves and talks and is fat or skinny, is white, black, yellow or red.  But if only we could go beyond this exterior then we would see the unimaginable greatness.
Human being consists of tens of kilos of meat but we have to look into someone. When someone says something behind someone else, you have to go behind the speech and see the purpose behind their speech.
Sometimes, a person backbites only for condemning others or gaining some advantages. The first step in this valley is to turn away from the vices. If you draw a check for someone and then you regret, God says you have to return back the money that you have used for yourself. You have to return back from the darkness.
The second step is abstinence, when you do not know whether a job is good or bad or we do not know whether is vice or virtue, you have to avoid doing that.
The third step is contentment: you have to use the best of whatever you have.
The fourth step is patience. You have to work on whatever you want and wait for the result.
The next step is “investigate, judgement and backbite”. All of these anti-values are forbidden if we want to live a good and lively life.
The next step is “saving” that is all of us we have to save some money or gold for our future. Saving is for the poor people not the rich ones.

The last step is Reliance, gratification, and submission: in all stages of our life, we have to rely on God and in the gratification station we are satisfied with whatever that comes our way whereas in submission phase we have no wishes except the wishes of the Supreme Force; therefore, we neither agree nor disagree on anything.

Thank you all for listening to me.
Translated by Elahe

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