نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

God, master and mentor

God, master and mentor

11/04/1994                                                     Time net room


White eagle: let’s talk about sense or perception which is a very significant topic. The physical senses need caring and training and are guided by a unique mechanism; each cell is playing a role in receiving and transmitting.

Guardian: I would like you to continue the talk on right and wrong choices.

White eagle: we briefly described a creature to you which is from the same family. As you know in your dimension, objects occupy a space and have an area and a circumference. However, there are no such things in our realm and everything is situated like rings next to one another; no space is occupied.

Dinosaurs are divided into two categories according to their good and bad characteristics; some of them were in charge of destruction.

That is why they became extinct by the divine command and ceased to exist in the physical world. However, they still exist in the other realm and we do not know the path of their evolution yet.

There seemed to be some dangers caused by them for humans living on earth and this could have decided their fate.

In every dimension that you travel in you can see creatures that have yet to step on earth; this means they have not received their acceptance yet.

Sometimes we come across certain creatures that are not very intelligent; you might ask what the point in creation of these creatures is?

First, the very existence of such creation is the point; in addition to the display of power and ability of creator. It starts with the smallest living thing and moves up to the largest creatures.

All creatures in creation are the same kind, but have been transformed to different forms in various evolution cycles.

Amazing worlds that are parallel or interwoven exist and one could hardly believe their level of complexity.

And so the quest goes on, to know where we’ve come from and where we’re headed; how is the process planned and many more questions such as these.

However, not everyone thinks about these questions and don’t want to know where they have come from.

Creation has an answer for the unwise such as natural disasters, diseases and annoying creatures which are on the rise.

Guardian: do you mean microbes?

White eagle: yes, the microbes are acting according to their nature.

Guardian: are the microbes constantly improve themselves and become harder to battle with?

White eagle: yes, this is the cycle of evolution and it happens in all creatures. We assist conscious humans in their battle with these annoying creatures.

Guardian: I have a question about my out of the body experiences.

White eagle: alright.

Guardian: I know that everything in these trips is related to me and I play the main role in them; I feel that if I’m not ready mentally and spiritually for these trips, I will have lots and lots of delusions and mental problems.

White eagle: serenity of thought and mind can create a higher power in you. 

You can meet anyone that you like as long as you attain that state of mind which we mentioned before.

There is also the fear which is still inside of you and you have not been able to get rid of it completely; prior to these out of the body trips, you must contain your fears and achieve internal peace. This will also help your daily challenges as well; you must work hard to review the archive and understand your old files. 

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