نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

Narcotic Addiction Is Not Chronic Poisoning

Narcotic Addiction Is Not Chronic Poisoning


Narcotic Addiction Is Not Chronic Poisoning. Why?


Because when the cause is poisoning then we are talking about a poison, therefore we recommend detoxification.

It has to be said that Narcotics are not poisons at all.

For example Diacetylmorphine which is the medical name for Heroin. From one Kilogram Morphine, 900 grams of Heroin is made. Every day in the medical field Morphine is used by doctors as a beneficial substance. Opium contains Morphine, Codeine, Papaverine and other substances, which are very useful in medicine. In Marijuana and Hashish there is a substance called THC which has been a very popular Medication for a longtime. We do accept that overdose of any of these substances could lead to poisoning or even death. (Also Psychedelic pills; Painkillers, sleeping pills etc.). Poisoning is a relative matter and the following definition can define it:

Any external substance (in the form of Gas, Liquid and Solid) entering the body and causing imbalance in the body or even death, can be defined as poison. Therefore when someone is bitten by a snake and is taken to hospital, first thing is that the poison is extracted out of the body since snake’s poison is deadly and has to be quickly extracted from the blood flow. This is called Detoxification. If a person, who is not an opium addict, consumes more than 1 gram of opium, he might die since it has a deadly effect on him and the poison has to be immediately extracted out of his body.

I am deeply surprised by this scientific mistake and the fact that how experts in the medical field don’t pay attention to this important fact.

Now I present some questions to furthermore clarify this misunderstanding.

First question: let’s assume a patient has been injecting Morphine (8 units) in the hospital for 2 years under medical supervision. Now the doctor in charge wants to discontinue the injections. What does the doctor do?

A)   Does the doctor perform Detoxification?

B)    Or the doctor Tapers off the morphine?


Second question: let’s imagine a person who has been using all kinds of anti-depressants, sleeping pills and other relaxants for 10 years. To stop his usage of these medicines due to an emergency situation, what should be done?

A)   Detoxification

B)    Tapering off the medication


Most probably you would answer that tapering off the drug is the best solution. Because if detoxification takes place and the remainder of the drug is taken out of the patient’s system, it could damage the health or even cause death.

Third Question: A person has been using Heroin and opium for 20 years.

Now we want to discontinue his usage. What should be done?


a)                 Detoxification

b)                Tapering off the narcotics



Surely you would say that opium and heroin are different from medication drugs and are considered as Narcotics. They are poisons and detoxification should be done. Also some medications must be prescribed so that after detoxification these drugs block the intake of heroin and opium in the body if the addict relapses. The experts insist that they have experimented this method on mice and it was successful. Poor mice!!

It is necessary to mention at this point that our argument is a scientific discussion and is different from the society’s point of view or even the legal view. The discussion is about the human’s physiology.

Finally, my last question is this: isn’t it true that Heroin is the commercial name for Diacetylmorphine? And opium is the commercial name for drugs such as Morphine, codeine, Narcotine, Narcein and Papaverine? And opium is a powerful Compound in all kinds of antidepressants and relaxants?

Therefore we are not just dealing with Narcotics popular names and titles.

If enough attention was given to their medicinal names, the problem would have been solved much easier and a proper treatment would be given for them.

Now another example is given to show that narcotics are not poisons.

A person who is not a drug user will die if he consumes more than 1 gram of opium.

Now another person who is addicted to opium and is consuming 10 grams  of opium daily , after eating that much opium only becomes normal and gains natural balance. If the doesn’t eat that amount he will be imbalanced, and there is a chance of death for him, therefore what kind of a poison is this? A deadly substance for one and a life giving substance for another?


If in the Medical field, Morphine, diacetylmorphine, Narcotine, Narcein And Papaverine are considered as poisons, then we can say that Heroin and Opium are also poisons, and all these poison should be banned from the medical field. Because medications like cough medicine (syrup) and pills that contain Codeine or Morphine and Opium products are poisons that we humans consume knowingly.

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